AU Leadership Portfolio: 3c Organizational Behavior,
Development, and Culture

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Leadership and Learning Plan

1a Philosophical Foundations

1b Ethics, Values, and Spirituality

1c Learning and Human Development

2a Effective Communication

2b Mentor/Coach

2c Social Responsbility

3a Resource Development: Human and Financial

3b Legal and Policy Issues

3c Organizational Behavior, Development, and Culture

3d Implementing Change

3e Evaluation and Assessment

4a Reading and Evaluating Research

4b Conducting Research

4c Reporting and Implementing Research

5 Servant Leadership in Technology Facilitation and Collaboration

Synthesis Paper




















































































































Organizations: Growing, overlapping, interacting
Organizations: Growing, overlapping, interacting

Leadership understands personal, group, and intergroup behaviors, and how they impact organizational history, needs, and goals.

*Satisfactory Competency Level

The materials for this competency are organized by my work with two organizations: TWICE, which is Michigan's K12 videoconference organization, and a grassroots informal organization to produce an annual summer workshop, "Jazz". Finally the theory and learning from LEAD 638 pull together my learning and growth in working with these two organizations. The table below matches the organization in my approved IDP.


Evaluations or verification artifacts are indicated with this icon.
Leadership and Learning Group contributions are indicated with this icon.




A. Apply organizational and leadership theory to experiences and past development of TWICE.

TWICE is Michigan 's K12 Videoconference organization. I co-founded this non-profit organization for K12 videoconferencing in Michigan in 2001. Others affectionately call me one of the “founding mothers of TWICE.” As I learn about organizational theory I'll be applying it to my continued experiences as an influential TWICE board member. I do so much for TWICE that sometimes people think that I work full time for TWICE. But it's just part of my work at Berrien RESA. The artifacts shared here show evidence of my leadership in the organization and these TWICE initiative.

Competecy Connection
This project fits with the organization competency because it shows how I have applied organizational and leadership theory to my experiences with TWICE. In particular, I applied my new found understanding of organizational culture to my work at TWICE (see especially document vi).

Artifact Descriptions
The first artifact shows how after serving as the conference chair for a couple of years, I documented the procedures so that others could take on this responsibility.

Second, I've maintained the TWICE website since it's inception. We are just now beginning a process of changing this work to be more sustainable.

Third, this document shows how I helped TWICE get involved in the Keystone conference, an international videoconference conference.

Fourth, I developed, piloted, and implemented the Where in Michigan project and We the Kids project for TWICE.

Fifth, I was one of the first recipients of the TWICE President's Award, an evidence of evaluation by others.

The final document summarizes my reflection on TWICE's organizational culture and suggests new practice to improve our organizational culture. As of fall 2008, we are already trying to implement these ideas.

Some files unlinked for privacy, confidentiality, or intellectual property reasons.

i. Documenting procedures for the TWICE sessions at the MACUL conference and the agreement with the conference sponsor
ii. TWICE website
iii. TWICE promotion of Keystone conference
iv. Development of Where in Michigan and We the Kids
v. President's Award
vi. TWICE Organizational Culture reflection.

B. International program development: Read Around the Planet

As part of this application of theory to my work in TWICE, I want to especially focus on the development and evolution of TWICE's signature event: Read Around the Planet. The project matches classes to celebrate reading via videoconference in March around Dr. Seuss' birthday and impacts over 50,000 students a year. The Read Around the Planet website has grown to include the Collaborations Around the Planet tool as well.

Connection to Competency
My work with Read Around the Planet shows my ability to work with a group to sustain rapid growth and sustainability of a project. It shows the ability to work with others to meet the needs of the project, create goals for change and growth, and implement the changes to sustain the project. 

Artifact Descriptions
The artifacts here explain these projects, and the change reflection that ties these projects to organizational theory. The evaluation document from 2008 shows the feedback from others. I've been involved in Read Around the Planet since it's inception in 2002. I ran the project the first year, then provided background support as others managed it. In 2006 I took over running the project again and have spearheaded the changes to make it more sustainable and scalable.

i. History of the project's growth and success
ii. Evaluations and comments from participants
iii. Read Around the Planet and Collaborations Around the Planet websites
iv. Read Around the Planet Change reflection

C. "Jazz" Workshop

123 VC: Jazzing Up Your Curriculum with Videoconferencing. This workshop is a grassroots collaboration between participants in five states and two countries to put on a week long workshop on K12 curriculum videoconferencing. I serve on the leadership team that helps shape and manage the growth of this collaboration.

Connection to Competency
My work in "Jazz" has provided a way to experiment with theory related to organizational structure and growth and to apply leadership and organizational theory. As a leader I work with the others on the leadership team to grow this organization and have been able to apply organizational development understanding to our work.

Artifact Descriptions
The Jazz website (i) gives an overview of the collaboration, materials, and our methods of working together. Additional information is given in the reflection paper for this competency. The other two documents apply leadership and management principles to our work (ii, and iii).

Some files unlinked for privacy, confidentiality, or intellectual property reasons.

i. Jazz workshop website
ii. Applying the "future of management" to the Jazz workshop
iii. Application of Senge's "thinking together"

D. LEAD 638

Overview: Leadership Theory Class
In this section, I share some of my best assignments from the Leadership Theory Class that aren't already shared in other sections.

Connection to Competency
The artifacts in this section show a knowledge of leadership theory as applied to situations in my work.

Artifact Descriptions
This section contains my contribution to my regional group (i and iii), and two examples of the application of my reading to my work (ii and iv).

Some files unlinked for privacy, confidentiality, or intellectual property reasons.

i. Presentation to regional group (handout, paper)
ii. Article Critique: Situational Leadership applied to telecommuting
iii. Leadership and Learning Group Team Reflection
iv. Discussion post applying Beer's Rational Approach to Organizational Change to a failed change situation

Reflection Paper

My reflection paper ties together my work in three organizations, TWICE, the Jazz workshop, and my own workplace to leadership and organizational theory. It documents my growth and learning through the Leadership Program and my work on this competency.

Reflection paper unlinked for confidentiality. AU Leadership participants may request a copy if desired.


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Last Updated September 20, 2011

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